All Episodes
Displaying 1 - 28 of 28 in total
Opening the Scriptures: Hebrews & Revelation
Fr. Matt closes up the series with an overview of the Letter to the Hebrews and John's Revelation. These two wrap up the series nicely, as they incorporate so much of ...

Opening the Scriptures: Paul's Letters - Salvation in Christ for all flesh (wk 9)
Fr. Matt walks us through the good news that Paul preached — salvation through Christ.

Opening the Scriptures: Acts: The universal destiny of Abraham's children
Fr. Joe Dewey walks us through the next part of the biblical narrative. Is it Acts of the Apostles or Acts of the Holy Spirit?

Opening the Scriptures: The Gospels, Pt. 2
Fr. Cody Turned walks through the four-fold witness to Christ that the Gospel accounts offer us. What does it mean that we have four witnesses to the life of Christ? H...

Opening the Scriptures: Q & R Episode
Fr. Matt Rossi and Fr. Cody Turner sit down to work through the questions you submitted about the Bible. Questions fall into two main categories:I. General quesiotns a...

Opening the Scriptures: The Gospels, Pt. 1: Jesus, the fulfillment of Israel's history (wk 6)
Rev. Matt Rossi introduces the Gospel narratives, pointing to Jesus as the culmination of the Old Testament.

Opening the Scriptures: Psalms & Wisdom: Israel's Prayer & Practice (wk 5)
Rev. Jordan Griesbeck walks us through the wisdom literature in the Old Testament, considering a definition of biblical wisdom and tracing it through each book.

Opening the Scriptures: Prophets & Kings: The rise, fall, and hope of Israel (wk 4)
Fr. Matt Rossi takes us through 700 years of Israelite history as he covers the narrative of the Old Testament from Joshua through the return from exile. How do the pr...

Opening the Scriptures: The exodus of Israel, the establishment of the Law (wk 3)
The Rev. Dr. Christopher Beeley teaches us in this next installment.

Opening the Scriptures: Genesis and the creation of Israel (Wk 2)
Ever walk in on a movie 10 minutes late? It's hard to miss the beginning! Fr. Joe Dewey teaches on how the story of the Bible begins, to orient us to the whole of the ...

Opening the Scriptures: What is the Bible and what is it for? (Wk 1)
Rev. Dr. Christopher Beeley walks us through the first installment, surveying what scholars of the past have had to say about how we should and shouldn't approach the ...

Coming Fall 2024
Our next course in the series, Opening the Scriptures, is starting on Sunday, September 8 at Church of the Incarnation. We'd love for you to join us in person. In the ...

Update, Spring 2024
Hear from Father Matt Rossi, Curate for Adult Formation at Church of the Incarnation.What is the Way of Christ curriculum? Where have we been? Where are we going?Watch...

Teach Us To Pray: Penitential Prayer (Wk 5)
The Rev. Dr. Christopher Beeley teaches on penitential prayer, and wraps up this season.

Teach Us To Pray: Intercessory Prayer (Wk 4)
Rev. Cody Turner leads our teaching. Intercessory Prayer is offered on behalf of others — when you see someone in a situation of need and you ask for the Lord's interv...

Teach Us To Pray: Praying the Psalms (Wk 2)
How do the Psalms teach us to pray? Father Matt Rossi and Wendell Kimbrough share insights and encourage us in praying God's words back to him.

Who Are We (Part 1): A Pilgrim People - A Christian Theory of the Human
Week 4: Who are “We”? Pt. 1: A Christian Theory of the Human SCRIPTURE Then God said, “Let us make humans in our image, according to our likeness, and let them have do...

How Do We Get There (Part 2): The Spirit as a Guide in Scripture
SCRIPTUREBrothers and sisters, I do not consider that I have laid hold of it, but one thing I have laid hold of: forgetting what lies behind andstraining forward to wh...

How Do We Get There (Part 1): Jesus As The Way
Week 2: How do we get there? (Part 1) - Jesus as the WaySYNOPSISWe’re going to life in God, but in a world full of obstacles, both within our own hearts and all around...

Where are We Going: The Final Destination of Our Life in God
Welcome to "The Way of Christ: A Path for Spiritual Growth" presented by Church of the Incarnation located in Dallas, TX. Our focus for season 1 is "Mapping the Christ...